Introduction – Why YOU Are the Best Person to Create and Star in Your Video
When many internet marketers and bloggers think about creating video content they get some pretty big ideas.
Unfortunately, those big ideas cost a lot of time, energy and money.
And the return on investment can be quite low.
Yet, when you shift your concept of video content to a DIY attitude you reap tremendous business building benefits.
In fact, when you personally star in your video you take great strides toward achieving some significant goals.
These goals can include profits, branding, and increasing your website traffic.
Your personality is key element for branding your business.
Sharing your personality, in the form of video content helps strengthen your brand. It also taps into some effective buying triggers.
1. Likeability
Producing short videos staring you will undoubtedly create fans. You’ll be able to connect with your website visitors on a very personal level.
When people like you, they return to your website. They also buy from you and recommend you to others.
2. Authority & Credibility
Publication is definitely a good way to establish credibility and authority in your niche. Video helps you take it a step beyond basic print content.
With video, you’re personally dispensing the information.
Customers and prospects receive the value right from you personally. They gain more faith in your advice and knowledge.
3. Ease and Simplicity
In addition to helping you grow your business, when you create and star in your video, the video content creation process is much easier.
With a few simple steps you can create a video today. Smart simple editing and you can have it on your website in just a few minutes.
It’s that easy. And it’s also inexpensive.
This workbook walks you through the five steps to create video content for your business website.
Even if you’re camera shy, you’ll have a top notch video ready for uploading when you’ve finished this workbook.
Great, let’s go!
Step One: Choose Your Topic
All topics are not created equally. In fact, some topics are quite difficult to manage via video.
However, other topics are ideal for video. The process to choose a perfect video topic is actually simple and straight forward.
1. Make sure it is succinct
The more targeted and specific your topic is, the easier it’ll be to talk about for three to five minutes.
For example, a video on branding your business might be quite difficult.
After all, there are entire books written on branding your business.
However, if you talk about how to brand your business with color, that’s more specific.
An even narrower topic might be, “Three quick tips for branding your business with color.”
2. Make sure it offers value
Your video, like any website content, needs to offer value.
Generally you offer value by providing new information.
However, entertainment can be valuable too.
If you make people laugh or evoke emotion you’re filling a need.
The value you offer depends largely on your business niche.
A parenting website might create a “how to” video for managing bedtime routines for toddlers.
This would be incredibly valuable for any parents who are dealing with a toddler’s growing independence.
The video could be entertaining as well because you could share your own experiences on getting your own kids to bed.
How to videos are often the easiest way to offer value. However, tips videos, reviews, interviews, and demonstrations are also quite helpful.
3. Make sure there’s demand for your topic
Finally, when you’re looking for a great topic, consider reviewing keywords and trends.
What is in demand?
What are your prospects and visitors dying to know?
You can also take a look at the headlines and grab a topic that’s newsworthy.
Your First Action Step
This is a workbook which means it’s time for you to do a little work.
Grab a sheet of paper or open a new document on your computer.
Write down ten to twenty topic ideas.
As you’re writing them, jot down notes about what you’d talk about in your video.
For example, if you were going to create a video about “Three tips for branding your business with color” you might discuss how colors trigger emotions.
Red symbolizes power; green symbolizes nature and so on.
Making note of your thoughts on each potential video topic will help you prepare for a future step.
Step Two: Gather Your Equipment
The good news about creating your own video content is that you don’t need much to get started.
In fact you can create great video content with three key items:
Video Camera
You can spend thousands on an expensive video camera. However, you can find similar success with a Flip camera.
You can find this camera on for as little as a $100, and it takes great video. It is also super easy to use.
Simply choose how close you want the camera to zoom in and then hit record.
Once you’ve recorded your video you plug the flip into your computer via a USB port.
Upload the video to the Flip editor.
Cut your movie and upload it on your website.
It’s that easy. You can create a video in just a few minutes.
You don’t have to use a Flip, of course. You can use your video camera on your computer or any digital video camera.
If you already own a digital video recorder, record a few short videos to make sure the quality matches your needs.
Also, make sure it’s easy to edit and upload your video. If so, then you’re all set.
In fact, if your cell phone has a good video recorder that may be enough.
However, if you can spare a $100, the Flip makes creating video content a quick and easy task.
Tripod – A tripod makes getting the perfect shot really easy.
Even better, it keeps the camera still so you don’t have to worry about shaky hands. You can get small tripods with adjustable legs for just a few dollars.
They make them specifically for the Flip.
You can find them on the Flip website or any major retailer like Amazon. (You can also purchase wide angle lenses for the Flip if you want a wider shot.)
You can also set your Flip on a stack of books or a box, and it works just as well J
Lighting – The best type of lighting is natural lighting. This means recording your video in a room with a window.
Pull the curtains open and position yourself so the sunlight is shining on you from the front or the side of your body.
If this isn’t possible then consider purchasing natural spectrum bulbs.
Make sure the bulbs are the right size and wattage for the lamps in the room where you’re recording your video.
Again, position yourself so the light is shining on you rather than behind you.
Take a few test shots to get the best camera position.
Make sure you’re not in a shadow and that the camera angle best frames you and your surroundings.
Your Second Action Step – Gather your equipment. If you have a video camera already, give it a few test runs.
Make sure it’s easy to use. Set it up in the room where you’ll be filming your videos.
Test various lighting situations to find the best placement for your camera.
Once you’ve gathered your video equipment and you’ve found the best placement for you and your camera, it’s time to decide what you’re going to say.
Step Three: Create Your Content Format
You might be surprised but it’s recommended that you do not write a script. To connect with your viewers, your video needs to feel natural.
If you’re reading from a script, that’s going to be difficult. It may end up feeling forced and awkward.
Not a great way to build a connection.
So how do you stay on track?
How do you know what to talk about?
How do you not freeze up in front of the camera?
Note Cards – Grab a note card or a piece of paper and write down the main points you want to cover in your video.
You may have already done this when you were jotting down your thoughts on your video topic ideas.
Include any personal stories you want to share. Keep it simple. Outline the basic topics you want to cover. You might use a bulleted format.
For example, “Three tips for using color to brand your business.”
Colors evoke emotions
Red symbolizes power and energy. It grabs attention.Blue symbolizes professionalism and trustworthiness.Green symbolizes nature.Example – coke is red. IBM is blue.
Practice – Take a few minutes to run through what you want to say. Rehearse your content a few times aloud.
Consider keeping a timer beside you so you know how long you’re video is going to be.
Generally, you want to keep your video short – ten minutes or less. There are some videos that last thirty minutes or more.
Most often, that is just too long. Keep your viewers attention span in mind.
Your topic will also dictate the length of your video. Some topics simply require more time.
Regardless of the length of your video, it is important to make sure your video holds your viewer’s attention.
Keep it interesting and make sure you stay focused on providing valuable information.
You can practice in front of the camera.
However, it’s generally a better idea just to practice what you want to say without worrying about the camera.
If you practice with the camera running, don’t get too hung up on how you look or sound.
As long as your viewers can clearly see and hear you, you’re good to go. If you’re not used to seeing yourself on camera it can be a strange experience.
Don’t worry.
You’ll get used to it.
Eventually, it’ll become second nature.
If you find you’re having trouble remembering what you want to say then create a visual aid.
Consider writing your key points in large print on a note card.
Don’t get too detailed with the cards. The bulleted list is ideal.
Remember, this isn’t a script.
It’s simply a memory aid.
Position the card above or beside the camera.
Then you can glance at the note card when you need help.
Your Next Action Step – Create your content outline. What are you going to talk about? Practice it a few times. Now you’re ready to shoot!
Step Four: Choose Your Location
The next step is fairly straight forward. Where does it make the most sense to shoot your video? Here are a few things to consider:
Logic – What location makes the most sense? For example, if you’re filming a cooking demonstration then you’re logically going to be in your kitchen.
If you’re shooting a “how to garden” video then you’ll be outside in your garden.
Lighting – What location offers the best natural lighting?
Remember, ideally you want the light from the window shining on you, not behind you.
Sound – Where is it going to be quietest?
For example, if you normally work from your kitchen table that might not be the best place to shoot your video.
Unless you want the dog, the phone and the sound of kids playing to fill in the background noise!
Comfort level – Where are you going to be the most comfortable filming your video?
For example, would you rather sit at your desk or on the couch in your office?
Camera Position – Where can you place your camera for the best shot?
If you’re in a home office, can you place the camera on your desk? If you’re in the kitchen, does the counter top work?
Keeping these five considerations in mind, spend some time finding the ideal location for your video.
If you can’t find a location to fit all five criteria, prioritize lighting, sound and logic.
Action Step – Take a look at your surroundings and find the best location to shoot your video. You might experiment with a few locations.
Take a few test shots with your camera to make sure the sound, light and camera frame work well for your needs.
Step Five: Relax and Create Your Video
Relaxing may be the most difficult part of creating a video.
It’s tough to act natural if you’re not used to being in front of a camera.
You may find yourself shooting the same video thirty times!
Here’s the key to success: Imagine you’re talking to a friend. Speak slowly and clearly.
Relax and smile.
It’s really that easy.
Once your video has been created, upload it to your computer. Cut it to fit your needs.
For example, you may cut the beginning few seconds when you’re positioning the camera and taking a seat at your desk.
Add music and/or any captions if you want. (This step is easy with the Flip camera’s software).
You’re ready to upload it to your website! Congratulations!
Creating a video staring you is not only one of the best ways to market your business, it’s also quick, easy and extremely affordable.
Remember, with any marketing tactic that testing and tracking will help you maximize your results.
As you become more comfortable in front of the camera, you’ll notice your videos improve. The process will become easier, more enjoyable and more profitable too!