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Monday 9 January 2012

Why You Need A Facebook Page

Why You Need A Facebook Page

If you don’t already have a Facebook fan page (also known as a Facebook like page) you are missing out on one of the easiest, cheapest ways to build a highly targeted online presence that brings in new prospects on autopilot while serving your existing customer base.


From the largest corporations to small one-person businesses, everyone is clamoring to get on board the Facebook gravy train.

So what is a Facebook fan page?

Unlike personal Facebook pages, it is a public profile that allows you to promote your products and services with the more than 500 million active Facebook users, 50% of whom log on to Facebook on any given day.

Those 500 million Facebook users spend more than 700 billion minutes a month on Facebook interacting with others and visiting the 80 or so pages, groups and communities to which the average user belongs.

With those kinds of statistics, and the ability to leverage Facebook’s targeted user demographics and analytics, any business owner not already tapping into the power of Facebook fan pages is literally throwing away vast amounts of potential profit for what is a negligible initial investment.

For a new business just starting out, Facebook fan pages are an unsurpassed way to quickly extend your customer reach and build an impressive online presence.

For an established company, Facebook fan pages represent the opportunity to connect with new prospects and to consolidate previous successes.

For both, Facebook fan pages are an unparalleled gateway to a global audience that encompasses 190 countries and is growing all the time.

Little wonder that every recognized brand from Coca Cola to Nike and Apple has already plugged into the powerbase that is Facebook, leading the way, as ever, for the brightest entrepreneurs.

Facebook Fan Page Benefits:

a. Facebook fan pages are free.

b. You can have unlimited fans.

c. You can build a targeted community of clients and prospects.

d. You can tap into a global prospect base that is highly active.

e. You can leverage the power of the brand.

f. You gain an SEO boost to your website – Facebook is the second most popular site on the internet as ranked by Alexa.

g. You can customize the design of your fan page to reflect your own branding.

h. You can utilize Facebook’s Pages Analytics Tool to gain invaluable information about your fans and their interactions with your fan page.

i. You can post news updates and promote events.

j. You can post unlimited images and videos.

k. You have an unparalleled opportunity to talk with your customers and prospects in the shape of fans and to gain their feedback.

l. You can provide updates that will appear in news feeds.

m. You can collect your prospects’ contact details by posting a sign-up form on your page.

n. You can combine the power of Facebook advertising with that of your fan page to attract new customers and drive them to your page as well as your website.

o. You can create brand advocates in the form of your active, interested fans – for free.

p. Your fan page can be up and running within hours, ready to provide you with all of the above benefits.

Why Now Is The Right Time

Quite apart from all the benefits mentioned in the previous section, Facebook has recently introduced a number of changes to its pages which mean that now, more than ever, your business can gain in multiple ways.

These changes include:

a. Networking Opportunities – Facebook now permits you to log on through your business profile, therefore allowing you to extend your business brand throughout Facebook as you interact with other businesses and related entities.

The networking potential is enormous, enabling you to engage with other users away from your own page while retaining a constant reminder of your own business presence.

Where blog commenting was, and still is, an excellent strategy for driving prospects to your brand, Facebook now provides the same function as you comment on relevant pages and subtly underline your own brand.

b. Lead Generation – Where before it was difficult to use a Facebook page for more than broadcasting messages, it is now far easier to connect with and contact business owners.

With the changes Facebook has implemented, pages have also acquired a new credibility which lends itself to easier lead generation and a more profitable user experience.

Other business owners and customers are able to see who is administrating a page and are therefore encouraged to directly interact with you.

c. Better Customer Service – While many businesses attempted to provide some form of customer service through the old system of Facebook pages, they were largely constricted in their efforts.

Under this system, businesses running a page did not receive notification of new comments or customer interactions with the resultant shortfall in customer service and a need for constant vigilance.

With the ability to log in under a business profile, notifications are now received and customer service and satisfaction is vastly improved.

d. Improved Product/Service Display – Where before Facebook had a very rigid page layout, the new layout allows for extensive customization, providing greater opportunities for product and service display through images as well as the chance to brand your page to truly reflect your business.

Fan Pages That Work

Now that you can see how crucial it is for your business to have a Facebook fan or like page, it is important to understand how some fan pages work far better than others.

The previous examples demonstrated the power of a Facebook page that is designed for maximum impact.

Your Facebook page should not only reflect your brand in every way.

That includes the use of graphics, news snippets, product information and even the way you interact with your fans.

Get it right and you build not only your brand but your customer base. Get it wrong and you risk turning off the very people you are trying to target.

You should always consider your fan page as a secondary website to your main web presence.

As such, it should be as easily navigable as your web site (you have got a well constructed site, right?) and should make full use of the sidebar to achieve this seamless navigation.

Now that you can send your visitors to an entire landing page which is built to fit in with, and convey, your brand to potential customers, you have so much more opportunity to beat out those competitors who still think it’s fine to send someone to a boring old Facebook wall.

A landing page is an excellent form of direct marketing that gives you total control to entice, invite, educate and ultimately overwhelm your visitors with the strength of your message.

Speaking of that message, you need to ensure that it is congruent throughout your Facebook page.

This goes back to controlling the branding at every stage, from logo to layout, and it is imperative that you plan this before you even start to build your page or, inevitably, your focus will stray.

Another absolutely essential element to your Facebook page is the frequency of posting.

You need to post every day if possible so that you show up in the news feeds of your fans and these postings can consist of news items, tips, surveys and additions to your blog if you have one.

Of course, you also mix in product launches and sales messages but the trick is to balance this so that your fans always feel that they are getting far more good information than constant pitches.

At this point, you may be thinking that this all sounds great but you simply don’t have the time or the technical knowledge to build and maintain a Facebook page.

The good news is that you don’t have to – all of this can be outsourced at a competitive price that will more than pay off in terms of increased sales and a heightened online profile.

Facebook pages are such an excellent way to immediately reach out to a highly targeted prospect base, as well as to build your existing customer loyalty, that is a wonder that there are still businesses out there who have not yet tapped into the power of this seam of online gold.

If you truly want to outstrip your competitors, or simply to establish the kind of credibility that is essential in today’s web dominated world, you need to climb on board that gravy train before it leaves you still struggling to grow beyond the constraints of expensive and outdated marketing methods.


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