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Friday, 27 January 2012

How To Use Feedburner To Share Your RSS Feeds

 Feedburner Publicize Tools

Feedburner has a ton of built-in tools designed to help blog owners share their feed better. Whether you want to ping other services when you post or allow other blog owners to share your feed, Feedburner makes it easy.

In this guide, we’ll walk through all of FeedBurner’s tools that allow you to publicize and share your feed more effectively. To start, you’ll need to already have created a feed in Feedburner.

Accessing the Publicize Tools

To access the publicize tools, just click “Publicize” along the top navigation.

 To navigate to the specific tool you want to use, just click one of the services under the Services navigation bar on the right.

The Headline Animator

The headline animator will create an RSS feed box that’ll automatically put the newest headlines in. You can place this box on a website for example and every time someone visits, they’ll see the headline of your newest post.

Just set your options for how you want the box to look. A preview of how your box will look will appear towards the bottom. Click Activate to generate the code for the headline box.


Want to share more than just the headline of your post? BuzzBoost makes it easy. Just fill out your options, then click Activate. The JavaScript code can then be pasted onto any website to create a RSS feed box with anywhere between 1 to 15 posts.

Email Subscriptions

A lot of people would rather get their blog posts in their inbox, rather than having to visit your blog all the time or learn to use an RSS reader.

That’s easy, with email subscriptions. Just activate it, then once people are signed up they’ll automatically get your blog posts by email.

Ping Shot

Instead of having other services refresh your feed, constantly taking up your bandwidth, you can just tell Feedburner to send those services a “ping” of data whenever you update your blog.

All you need to do is click Activate.

Feed Count

If you want to show off how many subscribers you have on your RSS feed, all you need to do is publish your Feed Count.

Select your button and text color and select whether you want a static or animated button. Then click Activate to generate the code.


Want to automatically post to your Facebook, Twitter or other social media accounts? Feedburner allows you to easily link other accounts to your feed.

Anytime you post on your blog, the post will also automatically be posted to the account(s) you specify.

To add more accounts to post to, just click “Manage Connections.” Under formatting options, select how you want your posts to look, then click Activate to link the accounts.

Additional Tools

The tools we’ve just covered are the most important tools for publicizing your feed. In addition, there are also a few more tools and options you can change in the publicize options.

Here’s what each of these does:

Chicklet Chooser: Select a slightly different button to take people to your RSS feed.

Awareness API: Allow other developers to read your feed with software. This is useful if you want outside software to sort and use data from your blog.

Creative Commons: Choose the type of copyright your feed is protected under.

Password Protector: Require a password for people to read your feed. Note that this will deactivate the email subscription option.

NoIndex: Deny search engines access from your feed.

These are all the tools available to you in FeedBurner’s publicize tools. As you can tell, it’s easy to publish and use your RSS feed in many different ways, whether it’s on your website, your Facebook page or even a friend’s software.

How To Use To Track Links And Clicks is a great little free tool that allows you to shorten long URLs such as affiliate links so you can more easily insert them into emails, tweets and such. Pro (also free) allows you to track your clicks as well.

Today we’ll be going through using Pro to shorten links and also where to view stats for those links & clicks.

Step 1: Shorten Links

When you log into your account, you’ll see a box as shown below where you enter the long URL that you’d like to shorten. Simply enter the long link and click the “Shorten” button.

Below the box you’ll now see a shortened link as shown below.

Copy & paste this short link on your website, social networking sites, email or any place you want to share it.

Step 2: Custom Link

If you don’t like the look of the shortened link, you can create a custom link. To do this, click “Customize” next to the generated short link.

Enter the letters/word you’d like to use for the link & click the “Customize” button as illustrated on the page below.

If the link is available, it will be updated. If someone else has already used that customized set of letters or words, then you’ll have to choose a different word/letter combo.

Once you have a unique letter/word combo, your new link will generate.

Copy & paste this short link on your website, social networking sites, email or any place you want to share it.

Repeat for each link you want to shorten.

Step 3: Short Domain & Tracking Domain (optional steps)

With the Pro version of, you can enter a short domain and a tracking domain. To do this, in the upper right corner, next to your username, click the down arrow and select “Settings”.

Custom Short Domain

A custom short domain is used in place of the domain when creating short links.

For instance, if you owned the domains and you could enter here and your shortened links would look like rather than

Just enter the short domain into the box and click the “Add Short Domain” button.

Note: Adding a custom short domain requires you to edit your DNS settings before it will work.

Tracking Domain

This will allow you to gather data on how your domain is being circulated across the web.

If you own the domain and set it as your dashboard tracking domain, all of the redirected traffic to would show up in your stats.

You simply need to enter your root domain and click the “Add Tracking Domain” button.

You’ll then be asked to verify your domain one of three ways…

Once you verify, you’ll see a new message in your dashboard…

Step 4: Sidebar Bookmarklet has a sidebar bookmarklet that allows you to tweet, watch your stats and see who is talking about the linked page on Twitter, Facebook, FriendFeed and blog comments right from your browser’s sidebar.

To set this up, navigate to the upper right corner next to your username & click the down arrow and select “Shorten Everywhere”.

The page will show you an outline of how the bookmarklet will look. At the bottom of the page, there’s a yellow box that tells you to drag the link to your browser toolbar to get started.

If you already have links set up in your dashboard, once the bookmarklet refreshes, you’ll start to see your stats.

You can add your Twitter and Facebook account details so you can quickly post directly from this bookmarklet.

You can find similar tools that work pretty much the same on this page:

Step 5: Reading Stats

Once you’ve had your links published to the web for a while, you’ll be able to view your stats. To do this, log into your account and click “Analyze”.

The Metrics Summary will give you a breakdown of your stats in graph form for the past 30 days, as shown below.

The Dashboard Summary will give you a different view of your stats for the past 24 hours, as shown below.

That’s it! You can now easily use short links and track the stats for each one.

How To Start A Blog For Profit

An online presence is important these days for whatever enterprise you engage in. to connect with a wide variety of people there is no bigger forum than the Internet.
If you are looking for a way to show off your expertise and also make a little money while doing it, consider starting a blog.
What is a Blog?
A blog is actually an online journal of sorts. With a blog you can upload daily posts about anything that you want.
Some people create personal blogs as a way to keep in touch with family members.
Pictures, videos and other information are uploaded so your loved ones are current with what is going on with you.
Here we are going to talk about business blogs.
This is a blog that you begin to attract traffic in order to sell products or services.
To be interesting to others, your blog will need to:
1. Have updated content for visitors
2. Be marketed to draw traffic
3. Register with search engines so it can be found in the rankings
How to Start
If you are new to blogging, use a free blogging platform to get your feet wet. Sites like,, and others offer free blogs to users.
Depending on the site you choose, the themes and plug-ins (added features) will vary.
Most will walk you through the process step by step so that you can be up and running in no time.
Before you start posting, decide what will be the theme, or niche of your blog.
A jack-of-all-trades type of blog doesn’t do as well as one that is geared towards a certain niche. If you like crafts, that can be your niche.
Create posts that talk about how to craft, what to craft, how to make crafting profitable and so on.
Once you have decided on a path, it is time to create that great content.
How to Make Money
In order to make money with your blog, you need to have people visiting it. That is where marketing comes in. to draw traffic you have to get the word out about your blog.
Tell all of your friends and family members that you are online with your blog for a start.
Any money-making venture will take place once you have built your readership with interesting posts.
Then you can put into play a number of profitable additions:
1. Google AdSense
2. Selling Advertising
3. Affiliate Marketing
4. eBook Marketing
The simplest one to pursue is Google AdSense. You are using targeted advertisements to create revenue for your blog. You are paid per clicks on the ads.
There are other options where you can get paid when someone makes a sale on that website.
That is more likely to happen when you join an affiliate program. Join affiliate program that work well with your website niche.
eBooks are short downloadable electronic books that you can create yourself and sell on your website.
They can be on a variety of subjects but in order for them to sell, you must be able to offer new information to your customers.
Blogs can be used to build revenue.
Start with your chosen niche and market your blog to find the traffic you need. Then, utilize these ideas to turn a profit.