If you’ve ever thought that you don’t have anything newsworthy to share about your business, this handy reference guide will provide you with plenty of ideas.
Every company has newsworthy information to share and it’s just a matter of positioning that information so it’s of interest to the media.
1. The opening of your business. Local media is particularly interested in new businesses, especially when they offer a helpful product or service for the community.
Write your press release showing the benefits to your community and target market. You can even include a special offer or free gift to encourage people to visit your business.
2. The launch of your website. The launch of a helpful website is newsworthy, just like the launch of a business. Make sure your release includes the useful features of your website.
Invite readers to visit your website for a free gift. It could be a white paper, report, coupon, software, tool, etc.
3. Change in product offering. If you’re launching a new product that will help or if you’re lowering your prices, this might just be very newsworthy.
Just keep in mind how your target market benefits and make that the focus of your release.
4. Joint ventures. If you’re combining forces with another company or individual and it benefits your target market, share that information in a press release.
5. Association membership. Join your local Chamber of Commerce or another business association.
Include information on how your contributing to the group. Don’t know what association to join? Create your own.
6. A business move. If you’re moving to a new location that offers benefit to your customers, write a release.
For example, if you’re getting a larger location for more inventory, moving to a location with improved technology, etc.
7. Share your expertise. A release that provides consumer tips, time-saving tips, money-saving tips, etc. that are relevant to your own business and show your expertise.
8. Make a prediction. Make a prediction that relates to your niche. Include supporting evidence, facts and statistics for credibility.
9. Solve a problem. If your target customers have a typical problem, create a release that includes solution.
For example, if you provide skin treatments that help with dry winter skin, you can explain how the treatment works and provides release from pain and itch.
10. “Celebrities” that use your product. If a respected individual in your community or niche uses your product, share that news – with their permission, of course.
Include quotes from the “celebrity” that share why they came to you and the results they’ve received.
11. Capitalize on current events. A popular news story is the perfect tie into your release. If you can relate the story to your business, it is quite likely the media will be interested.
For example, if there is an increase in home break-ins in the area and you sell home security systems, you can write a release that includes tips for securing a home that refers to your products.
12. Capitalize on pop culture. Popular TV shows, movies and music are great fodder for a press release. For example, if you teach music lessons a tie-in to the popular TV show Glee might be an interesting angle.
13. Share your awards and accomplishments. If you’ve won an award or received some other type of recognition, this is perfect press release fodder. Show how this accomplishment serves your community/ target market.
14. Give awards. Not only can you share information about awards you receive, you can give out meaningful awards to your community as well.
15. Fundraisers. Spread awareness for your cause and your business, by making a donation or holding a fundraiser.
Be sure to follow-up the announcement of your upcoming fundraiser with the end results you achieved.
16. Be a sponsor. Sponsor a local team or organization and write a press release about it. It shows you contribution and support of the local community.
17. Have a contest. Whether it’s a sweepstakes, an essay or video contest, it’s fun and interesting. Make sure to send a follow-up when the winners are announced.
18. Host a special event. Put together an open house or customer appreciation day.
Offer refreshments, helpful information, etc. to attendees. Let the media know about the event with a press release.
19. Host a virtual event. Organize a teleseminar or webinar that provides valuable information to your target customer and announce this free event through your press release.
20. Create a useful publication. Are you putting together a helpful newsletter, white paper or report? Share it in a press release.
21. Create an internship or work experience program. If you’re going to hire some students for the summer, share the news.
Follow up with stories on the success of the program with some of your star participants.
As you can see, there’s always something to share in a press release and if you don’t currently have a newsworthy event, you can create one.
Keep this list handy to help establish your business in your community and to develop a relationship with the media.
Below is a Press Release template.
Feel free to use it as you see fit.
Contact Person’s Full Name
Company Name
Mailing Address
Phone Number
Email Address
Precise Website Address / URL for More Information
Attention Getting Headline Here – Include a Benefit for the Reader
City, Town, Date – Summary that draws the reader in to learn more. Make sure you address who, what, where, when, why and when. Be succinct, but include enough information.
Provide some relevant background information about your product/event/announcement. Make sure you include information on why this is important to the target audience. Be factual and succinct.
Add a quotation from a customer or somebody who reinforces your expertise or the importance of your announcement. Include that person’s full name and if relevant, include their credentials.
Include a quotation from yourself that says why you created the products/put together the event, etc. Having a quotation from yourself makes it easier for you to assert an opinion, while still remaining newsworthy. Make sure to include your full name and position in the company.
Finish your press release with a company summary and what you do. Include a statement that says, “For more information, please contact…” and include a phone number and email. Also include the URL of where to get more information on the website.
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