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Wednesday 11 January 2012

Why Blame The Gurus For Our Failures?- Time To Take Responsibility And Be Accountable

One of the most popular and consistent rants in Internet Marketing is about the ‘Gurus.’ For many, Gurus are essentially money sucking leeches who would do anything and stoop to any level to make their affiliate commissions.

There are a thousand reasons why you may hate Gurus, but at the end of the day, it just doesn’t matter. Because at the end of the day, your deep-seated hatred for Gurus wouldn’t change a thing to your business, which is all that you should be concerned about.

So what’s the solution?

It’s simple- UNSUBSCRIBE.

If you have any iota of doubt in your mind that all they care about is selling their products or pushing their buddy’s products week after week, month after month, year after year, then SIMPLY UNSUBCRIBE.

Sure their products are distracting, their promises may be misleading and the hype unjustified, but if you are unsuccessful, broke and desperate, it is COMPLETELY your fault. Just because an attractive woman seduces you with skimpy clothes, it doesn’t give you the right to rape her and blame the act on her.

Always remember that no matter what situation you are in, it is time for you to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY and move past the whining and groveling.


Because it doesn’t a thing to your current situation. If you are the kind to lose focus easily, then the best thing you can do is to pick a solid business model and persevere till you reach your end goal.

What often happens is that you try something that you read from an ebook or a course, implement it half heartedly or without following the exact steps and abandon the project without testing and tracking the results.

Half assed efforts yield half assed results. And moreover what is lacking is the fundamental belief that you will be successful.

This is so HUGE.

When I first started, the underlying belief I had was that the product would not work for me and true enough it didn’t work.

The flaw lied in my belief system more than my execution. Deep down in my heart, I was anticipating failure than envisioning success.

Sounds strange, doesn’t it, but it was true.

And here is the first thing I used to do whenever I purchased a product, “I immediately marked down the date in my calendar before the money back guarantee expired for the product.” No, I wasn’t a serial refunder and in fact, I hardly returned even crappy products.

But deep down, I always had this fear that I would be ripped off and it was a way for me to protect against being ripped off. And it was always a way, I could justify my decision to buy the product, “Well, I will give this product a try and if it doesn’t work, I can always return it.”

Basically, I was setting myself for failure no matter how good the product was. And in my early period, my quest to learn something new was more than my desire to TAKE ACTION. And even if I did, it was more for the record.

No wonder, I wasted so much money, time and resources. And I became more frustrated, more unfocused and more desperate. And the more desperate I became, the more products I purchased.

I was sucked into the Guru trap and would try one product after another hoping the latest one would solve my problems. Everyday my inbox was full of promotional emails for ebooks, video courses, home study courses, seminars etc.

Very soon, I suffered from burnout and couldn’t take it any more. It was one of the best things to have happened in my life because I knew I reached my breaking point. It was the tranquility after the storm, a moment of calmness after insanity and the true realization.

The realization that my pathetic condition was due to one and only person, that is ME. And I realized that no matter how many products and courses I purchase, it wouldn’t make the slightest of difference unless I believed in myself and took FOCUSED ACTION.

I also remembered how I used to hate the critics and politicians who were against my favorite movie star, Rajinikanth. He is a famous South Indian actor and was often criticized for “spoling the youth” as most of his movies had scenes of him smoking stylishing.

And because he had a huge popularity especially among teenagers and youth, he was accused of glorifying and encouraging smoking.

It didn’t make any sense to me because for me he was just the most stylish South Indian actor on screen and I loved to see his stylish smoking scenes. I had the discipline to stay away from smoking because I knew it was bad for my health and as a raving fan, I emulated the good things Rajini did on and off screen.

Then I thought, if I had the discipline to know what to emulate and what not to emulate from my favorite movie star, why couldn’t I do the same with the Gurus.

What I then did was UNSUBSCRIBED from most of the Guru’s lists and picked a business model and stuck with it. This step alone helped me so much because I had less noise to deal with and more importantly helped me build momentum.

The list of Gurus I subscribed to for the most part did not cater directly to my business model but I still learned a lot of good things that I could apply to my business for free.

And what made me proud was when they came up with these 1997$ launches, I was able to let them go. At first, it was difficult, VERY DIFFICULT because I was an addict. I was a sucker to those launches and would be easily trapped into the vicious cycle of promotions. Many Internet Marketers suffer from this problem and the sooner they realize it, the better for them.

With enough discipline I was soon able to ignore the launches without SECOND THOUGHT. I was proud that I was able to do it and very soon I was so resistant to these launches that it did not affect me in any way. Not only the big launches, I was able to do the same for the smaller priced products.

So no matter how small the investment may be or how great the information may be, if it did not suit my business model, I just mercilessly dismissed the product.

Remember, you have complete control over your business. Don’t blame the Gurus for your condition and learn to use them to your advantage. Almost every Guru gives away free stuff before their launch. Often the stuff they give away for free is valuable enough for you to take action and see improved results in your business.

If not, simply unsubscribe from their lists and start working on your business. If you don’t have one, sit down to figure out the business model that would best suit your strengths and stick with it.

Often the problem with Internet Marketing is not the lack of choices but often too many. As long as you have the discipline to work on your business, you will DEFINITELY achieve success.

And let me end with one of my favorite quotes from Jennifer Ledbetter aka Pot Pie Girl, “If you’re willing to do for a year what others won’t, you can do for a lifetime what others CAN’T!”

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