An autoresponder is must have if you don’t want your business to turn into a complete nightmare.
An autoresponder is simply not an option, you have to have this one!
So what is an autoresponder actually?
An autoresponder is a unique software tool that helps keep track and captures everyone that joins your list.
You can organize each person into categories making it easier when sending out niche related products.
With an autoresponder you now have the option to schedule and email all of your correspondence.
In other words with one click you can notify your whole list!
An autoresponder in a nutshell is a list manager, an all in one to organization for your business.
You can choose to purchase your own autoresponder software and then use your computer and your email account to send your outgoing mail.
However, this can be pretty risky to your business.
I do not recommend this option.
One of the reasons why is because it will take your computer and your email service a very long time to send out massive quantities of emails.
Another reason why is when your internet provider sees the massive amounts of emails you’re sending out they are going to automatically assume that your SPAM.
Definitely something you don’t want to be classified as.
Your second option is by using an autoresponder service company.
When you use an autoresponder service company they handle everything for you for a small fee sometimes you can even find some autoresponder services for free.
However, I do not recommend using the free autoresponders services because a lot of them will include their own advertising when sending out your emails.
This is looked at by many as very unprofessional. There are many different autoresponder companies out there you just have to do a little researching until you find the right one that works for you.
I recommend and personally use AWeber. They are awesome!
You can get an AWeber account set up and going for a small fee of just $20 a month.
They also offer traffic services also which puts them at the top of the charts and most popular and trusted amongst marketers.
To set up an account with AWeber is fairly quick and simple and of course a great tool to use for dividing up your different lists if you have more than one.
At AWeber you can also create your web form.
A web form is a form generator is the box on your page where your potential subscribers put in their name and email address, press submit, and they are now added to your list.
The web form tool at AWeber has many different templates that you can use to go with your page if you would like to fancy your page up a bit.
After you have created your web form, AWeber provides you with the HTML code to install on your page or the javascript to install. It’s really your preference on which one you would like to use.
When setting up your autoresponder and web form, another key thing you will need to take in consideration is using a double opt-in.
A double opt-in just simply requires an additional step for the person requesting your offer from your page.
This in a nutshell just means that before they are made a subscriber of your list they are sent an email requesting confirmation.
This is usually just a one-click line that will confirm them access to their offer from your page.
So, I know you’re asking, why use a double opt –in?
Let’s say someone filled out your web form and when they did they used another person’s email.
In turn they might be upset that they have been subscribed to something they didn’t even ask for, and who do you think they will come running and complaining to?
Well you of course!
When using the double opt-in you eliminate this happening because they have to confirm from the email they entered into the box that they were the person that requested your offer.
Also, by using double opt-ins, you are insuring that you have a quality list of interested people that want to receive offers and products that you have.
You need to always focus on quality and not as much quantity. You and your subscribers will both be happier for it!
AWeber gives you the option to send your potential subscribers the double opt-in and even an unique smart video version that will tell them that will need to confirm the subscription in their email.
Told you they do virtually everything!
They offer tons of different tools and really is something that you will need to check out.
There are many different tutorials also that they provide for you to show you how all the many different tools they offer work.
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