As children we were all naturally positive thinkers, believing that anything was possible and we could achieve everything we wanted in life.
The stresses and strains of adult life tend to cloud our minds and many people get stuck into a rut of negativity.
We believe we don’t have the ability to do anything worthwhile; we live for the weekends and holidays, and spend our days in the office just passing time.
Regaining a positive attitude can change all that. By learning to think positively, all your dreams and goals will suddenly seem attainable once more.
Making a success of your own business is much easier if you are able to get rid of your negativity and think positively.
How to think positively – 7 tips for success.
Thinking positively is not a temporary way to make a specific achievement; it is a total change in the way you think and act. Here are a few practical ways to introduce positive thinking into your every day life and business.
1. Develop a positive attitude
If you expect success you have a good chance of achieving it. You should never be blind to the things that could go wrong, but finding a positive way to manage your risks will help you to believe that your project is going to do well.
2. Think and talk in positive terms
The language you use will have an enormous impact on your own subconscious as well as the people around you. Use positive terms to gain confidence and convince yourself and other people that you will achieve your goals.
Negative and uncertain terms to avoid3. Surround yourself with positive people
Positive thoughts and expressions can be as contagious as negativity, although we are not usually so aware of it. If other people around you are expecting success and happiness then this will improve your general outlook as well.
4. Substitute negative thoughts for positive ones.
When something has not gone as planned don’t spend a lot of time dwelling on it and worrying about it. Do focus on the lessons you have learned and visualize how well it will go next time, using the experience you have gained.
As Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister, once said;
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty”
5. Balance negative images with positive ones
We are bombarded with negative images all day without being aware of it.
Reading the paper, or watching the news will inevitable bring the world’s problems to your attention, and watching sad or violent films can fill our minds with negative thoughts.
Balance this onslaught of negativity by listening to music that makes you happy, watching inspirational films or reading a positive book that you really enjoy.
Balancing the negative images in your mind with positive ones will improve your overall outlook dramatically.
6. Be physically positive
Your posture can contribute greatly to your disposition. Walking tall and taking long strides, keeping your head up and making eye contact can all dispel those negative thoughts.
Some people find it helps to sing an upbeat song in their head as they are going about every day tasks. This is a great way to put a swing in your step and a smile on your face.
You can go as far as imagining yourself in a positive situation. I once had to approach a group of managers sitting around a table in an open plan office. I was the new office junior and scared stiff.
Instead of shuffling up to them with my eyes down, I though to myself “You might be my superiors now but I will be your boss one day.”
This gave me the confidence to approach the group positively with a knowing smile on my face, and get exactly what I wanted.
Physical exercise can be another great way to increase your positive mental state. Regularly walking, swimming, cycling or playing sport can help to lift negative thoughts and worries by increasing endorphins that promote happiness and wellbeing.
7. Find your happy trigger.
What makes you happy no matter what? Maybe it is a song, a joke, a pet, or even simply being outside in the sunshine. When the going gets tough, and it will, have a trigger to keep you thinking positively.
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