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Saturday 7 January 2012

25 Ideas To Start Your Own Business- Part 12

Personal Fitness Trainer

Starting up a personal training business can be a fun and rewarding career path if staying fit and into shape is important to you.

Many people today are choosing personal trainers to help them in their quest to a healthier life simply because of the convenience and the “one-on-one” training they receive.

The first thing you would want to do is get a couple of certifications in fitness through the National Academy of Sports Medicine, (NASM).

Another great source is the American Council on Exercise, (ACE).

By being certified this will ensure customers that you know your stuff and that you are the “real deal”.

You will gain their trust and respect much more quickly.

Of course you would want to get any necessary business license and permits required in your local area, and check with an insurance company to see if you need any certain type of coverage.

As a personal trainer you would meet with clients at their homes or at the local gym.

A personal trainer should always be in positive attitude and ready to take on action.

You should be a great cheerleader for your clients to gain their trust, but most importantly you need to be into shape too.

No one’s going to take you serious, or believe you can get them into shape if you appear to be having trouble keeping yourself in shape.

Services You Can Offer and What Type Of Equipment Is Needed?

You could offer many different types of services to your clients.

The more you offer the better chance of attracting more customers and possibly getting them to agree to more than one of your services.

Personal trainers cover a wide area of exercises and workouts now days. You could offer services such as Pilates, yoga, power lifting, cardio, and weigh loss.

These different fields give you a much more targeted crowd and let’s people know they have many options with you, and you’re not just somebody helping them workout.

There are a few things you may want to purchase for your session with your clients.

While the gym and your clients homes have all the big equipment you will be needing, there are other items you may want to consider add to your workout sessions such as resistance bands, small dumbbells, back support belts, medicine balls, jump ropes, etc.

Licensing & Advertising Your Business

After you have your certifications and licensing and permits, now you’re ready to get started.

Once you have purchased your necessary equipment now the only expense you will really be out is the gas from your vehicle.

This is why this is such a profitable business, if you can obtain a number of faithful clients.

There is very little cost to running this type of business.

Once you start to get your name out, you will start to see your numbers increase, so don’t give up if at first you don’t see huge earnings.

This type of business will take time to grow and develop so rushing things or going out and getting yourself in debt with buying or renting a building and getting loans on thousands of dollars worth of equipment.

Start slow and before you know it you will have the means of your own facility in the future if you desire.

First things first, you’ve got to get your name out.Getting business cards made up would be a good idea.

You could give these out at your local gyms to potential customers.You could also have fliers made up that you post in various locations in your area.

Focus on your crowd when doing this. Many young mothers and the elderly are looking to get into shape.

You could post these fliers at grocery stores, parks, local cafes, and community centers.

You could even run ads in the newspaper as well if it’s in your budget.

And above all else as I have already mentioned, you need to be in shape and physically fit!

That in itself is by far the best marketing strategy you can have.

Organization and Dedication

It is important as a personal trainer to always be dependable and never cancel on a client’s appointment unless it is and emergency and is absolutely necessary.

There are many personal trainers around and before long you will be without clients and finding trouble gaining new ones.

You must be dedicated to your practice and what you are teaching them or you simply can’t expect them to be.

You must set a standard and uphold it and if you are consistent with it you will see how it really helps the success you get. It would also be a good idea to keep a file on each and every one of your clients.

You should keep records and charts of their progress and what type of training they are receiving.

Also, you may want to keep certain notes on what type of frame of mind they were in and their mood.

You may want to jot down even what things you lasted talked about to refresh your next meeting, helping your customers open up to you and build a strong relationship and friendship as well.

Keep in mind that with many of your customers you are going to be getting scheduled for early morning sessions and also late afternoon sessions being that the majority of them work during the day.

Many people are hesitant when thinking of becoming a personal trainer simply because of the hours they will expect to work.

This could be to your advantage if you are willing to step up to the job.

Working around their schedule is very important if you want to be successful and stand out above the crowd.

If staying in shape and keeping your body in top notch ship is something you have a desire for and you have a passion for helping others achieve their fitness goals then becoming a personal trainer may be what you need to get into.

So why not start now!

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